esmaspäev, 29. mai 2017

Sotsiaalmeedia koolitus ettevõtlikele naistele!

Eesti Naisuurimus- ja Teabekeskus korraldab tasuta sotsiaalmeedia koolituse 31. mail kl 10.00-16.00 Tallinna Ülikooli Astra maja ruumis A-213.
NB! Osavõtjatel  eelnevalt registreerida  aadressil

Koolitus on eelkõige suunatud ettevõtlusega tegelevatele või ettevõtluse vastu huvi tundvatele naistele.
Kel võimalik, võib kaasa võtta nutitelefoni, tahvelarvuti, laptopi, kuid kohapeal on olemas ka lauaarvutid.
Järgnevad konsultatsioonid kella 18-ni.
Koolitus on inglise keeles. Vajadusel selgitused eesti keeles.

Koolituse sisu

The training
"One day on open-minded digital thinking" will be divided into three main focus areas.

1st block will consist of lectures and workshops around how the digital technology development has, and will continue, to change our behaviors and the way we do business today.
Objective: To get a joint understanding of digital life today.

2nd block will focus on digital platforms and how individuals and organizations use them for business purpose. Part of the block is a lecture and the second part is based on group assignments to explore best practices.
Objective: To learn from what others already have found to be best practice and how to put that into their own businesses.

3rd block will focus on the participants and their organisations business development from a marketing and digital perspective. What are the main channels to focus on and where to find more knowledge for learning and development after the training.

Wise Economy Global Association
CEO LANN Development Consultants

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