IFJ peasekretär Beth Costa Eestis
Neljapäeval ja reedel väisab Eestit Rahvusvahelise Ajakirjanike Liidu (International Federation of Journalists, IFJ) peasekretär Beth Costa.
Teadaolevalt külastab nii kõrge ajakirjanike juht Eestit esmakordselt. Beth Costa on Brasiiliast pärit kogenud teleajakirjanik ning viibib Tallinnas Soome Ajakirjanike Liidu külalisena. Siin kohtub ta Eesti Ajakirjanike Liidu juhatusliikmete ja Eesti Naistoimetajatega ning külastab Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu raadiomaja, plaanis on külastada ka telejaama TV3.
Lugupeetud ajakirjanikud! Intervjuudeks võib leida aja reede ennelõunal, kellaaeg täpsustub hiljem.
Peeter Ernits, Eesti Ajakirjanike Liidu esimees
tel. 51 48 942
Beth Costa on sellel ametikohal esimene inimene väljaspoolt Euroopat.
IFJ pressiteade:
23 March 2011
IFJ Appoints Elisabeth Costa from Brazil as New General Secretary
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) this weekend formally endorsed the appointment of Brazilian journalist and union activist Elisabeth Costa as the new General Secretary to replace Aidan White who is standing down at the end of this month after 24 years in the post.
Elisabeth Costa is a veteran campaigner for union rights and press freedom in Latin America and has been a leading force for international solidarity in the Brazilian Federation of Journalists' Associations (FENAJ). She emerged as the unanimous choice from a strong field of candidates who were interviewed in Brussels last month.
"I welcome the appointment of Elisabeth Costa as the new General Secretary," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "This is the first time in the history of the IFJ that its General Secretary comes from outside Europe. It is also the first time that the IFJ is led by a woman. This is indeed proof of the impact of the change and recognition of the IFJ a truly global federation of unions."
Elisabeth Costa has a strong background in trade unionism and journalism. She worked as a Television journalist in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo for over twenty years. She also held senior positions in the FENAJ where she served as President from 1998 - 2004, becoming the first woman President of the Federation since its inception in 1946. She was also a member of the IFJ Executive Committee from 2001 - 2004.
"The IFJ is in a transition to a more inclusive organisation which empowers its regions in its work and representation," said Elisabeth Costa, the new IFJ General Secretary. " I look forward to implementing the resolutions from the World Congress in Cadiz and to further strengthen the reach of the IFJ as a global voice of journalists."
The outgoing General Secretary, Aidan White, said the challenges for journalists across the globe have intensified, especially in the Middle East and called for renewed solidarity in addressing them.
"The period we are now entering is a challenging endeavor but, with a new dynamic General Secretary, staff and the Executive working hand in hand, I hope very much that the IFJ will respond to show that our leadership of the global journalism is in good hands."
The IFJ represents more than 600.000 members in 125 countries