esmaspäev, 29. veebruar 2016

Uus lasteraamat "Kungla kuningriik"

Lasteraamatu "Kungla kuningriik" autor-illustraator, naistoimetajate ühenduse juhatuse liige Aita Nurga esitles eile oma trükilõhnalist teost Viru keskuse Rahva Raamatus. Meeleolu aitas luua kursusekaaslane Üllar Luup Tartu Ülikooli ajakirjandusstuudiumi päevilt.

Aita: "Tänan väga kõiki, kes tulid eile Viru keskusesse minu raamatu "Kungla kuningriik" esitlusele! Üllar, nii armas oli koos laulda, aitäh! Suurim üllataja oli perekond Kungla, kes tuli kohale Tartumaalt! 
Täna on eriline päev. Raamatu pisike printsess Õnne sündis just sellel kuupäeval. Samuti minu kallis vanaema Meeri, kes oleks täna saanud 100-aastaseks. Mõtlen neile. Päike särab."

Mida arvab Kungla rahvast Kungla suguvõsa esindaja, vaata siit.

Autor rääkis raamatu saamisloost,
värviküllaste illustratsioonide valmimisest ja 
luges ette lõike vervärskest muinasjutuloost.

 Nagu raamatuesitlusel ikka, jagas Aita ka autogramme.

Üllar Luup esitamas äsja komponeeritud laulu Kungla kuningriigist.

Raamatuga saab tutvuda siin

Tekst ja fotod:


Kas Eesti inimese töö- ja pereelu on tasakaalus?

Eesti Ettevõtlike Naiste Assotsiatsioon viis läbi küsitluse, kas Eesti inimese töö ja pereelu on tasakaalus.
Vastas 407 naist ja 106 meest, kellest enamus on nii paarissuhtes kui lapsevanemad. 
41,7% vastajatest on rahul või väga rahul oma töö- ja pereelu tasakaaluga. Ainult 39% vastajatest on väga rahul või rahul kvaliteetaja hulgaga, mida saavad veeta oma pere ja sõpradega. 57% vastajaid mõtleb tööasjadele vabal ajal ning 32% vastajatest kinnitab, et töö tekitab neile stressi. 72% vastajatest on rahul oma tööle sõiduks kuluva ajaga ning igapäevase logistika korraldusega. 61% vastajatest kinnitab, et  saavad piisavalt kasutada oma töös paindlikku töökorraldust ja ettevõtted hindavad töötajaid nende töö tulemuste, mitte istutud tundide järgi.

Arenguruumi on Eesti organisatsioonides töö-ja vabaaja korraldamisel tööandja poolel, sest ainult 53% vastajatest kinnitas, et saavad kasutada paindlikku tööaega ja ainult 37% saavad kasutada kaugtöö võimalust.

Kriitilise pilguga vaadatakse ka enda sisse ning vastajad pakkusid välja mitmeid mõtteid, mida inimene ise saab ära teha. Näiteks olla julgem oma soovide edastamisel tööandjale, olla parem aja planeerija, omada oskust öelda ei, teha tööd töö ajal ja vabal ajal muid toimetusi ja mitmed teised.

Kas Sinu töö- ja pereelu on tasakaalus, saab vastata siin
Küsitlus viidi läbi tänu Eesti ja Norra koostööle. Norra finantsmehhanismist 2009-2014 rahastatava programmi „Sooline võrdõiguslikkus ning töö- ja pereelu tasakaal“ peamine eesmärk on soolise võrdõiguslikkuse edendamine ning töö-, pere- ja eraelu tasakaalu toetamine Eestis. Projekti otsene eesmärk on töö-, pere- ja eraelu tasakaalu soodustavate abinõude välja töötamine, millega saate tutvuda

Lisainfo Ester Eomois
BPW Estonia juhatuse liige

kolmapäev, 3. veebruar 2016

Vähemalt 2297 ajakirjanikku ja meediatöötajat on tapetud viimase 25 aasta jooksul

Alates 1990. aastast on tapetud vähemalt 2297 ajakirjanikku ja meediatöötajat, sh 112 ainuüksi möödunud aastal - nii seisab täna avaldatud Rahvusvahelise Ajakirjanike Föderatsiooni (IFJ) raportis.

Brussels, 3rd February 2016. - The International Federation of Journalists today published its 25th report on journalists and media staff killed since 1990. The report lists 2297 media fatalities due to violence in journalism, including 112 killed in 2015 alone. From double digits at the start of these publications, the figures reached three digits in eleven years, peaking to 155 killings of journalists and media staff in 2006, the deadliest year on record, according to the IFJ reports. 

“This milestone publication charts the trajectory of safety crisis in journalism and bears witness to the IFJ’s long running campaign to end impunity for violence against media professionals,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “These annual reports were more than just about recording the killings of colleagues. They also represented our tribute for their courage and the ultimate sacrifice paid by journalists in their thousands who lost their lives fulfilling the role to inform and empower the public.”

The IFJ report says that killings span the entire globe where wars and armed conflicts, while accounting for many cases of loss of life in journalism through targeted killings, bomb attacks, cross fire incidents and increasingly violent kidnappings, are not the only justification for the grim numbers.

“There were other reasons, often removed from the war theatre, for targeting journalists, many of whom are victims of organised crime barons and corrupt officials,” Anthony Bellanger, IFJ General Secretary who delivers his first annual report on journalists and media staff killed since his appointment last November. “It is a recurring finding of our reports that there are many more killed in peace time situations than in war-stricken countries.”

This finding is reflected in the ten top spots of the most dangerous countries in the report which feature places which suffered war violence, the breakdown of law and order as well as crime and corruption. These are Iraq (309), the Philippines (146), Mexico (120), Pakistan (115), Russian Federation (109), Algeria (106), India (95), Somalia (75), Syria (67) and Brazil (62). Last year, France (10) shared with Iraq (10) and Yemen (10) the top position on the list of countries with the highest number of killings, following the massacre of journalists and media personnel by the terrorists at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Asia Pacific region recorded the highest death toll of 571, followed by the Arab World and Middle East with 473 killings, one more that the Americas (472) . Africa comes in the fourth position on 424 victims ahead of Europe with 357 dead. In 2015, the Americas had the most fatalities (27), followed by the Middle East (25).

The other finding which is borne out of the report is the scant consideration to the levels of violence against journalists around the world, with just one of ten killings being investigated. The IFJ says that the lack of action to eradicate the impunity for killings and other attacks on media professionals continues to fuel violence targeting them.

The report also provides details on the campaign waged on many fronts over the years by the IFJ and its affiliates to make journalism safer. They include the initiatives by the Federation such as the creation of the International Safety Fund to provide assistance to journalists in need and the setting up of the solidarity centres in Algeria, Colombia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka to monitor crisis situations and distribute assistance. There were also practical tools to provide advice to journalists on dangerous assignments such as the adoption of the international code of conduct for the safe practice of journalism and the publication of Live News, a survival guide for journalists covering war zones.

Furthermore, the Federation took a leading role in building coalitions within the press freedom community and media industry to protect journalists through the creation of organisations such as IFEX and INSI. The IFJ also developed partnership with inter-governmental organisations, including UNESCO on the UN Action Plan on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, the Council of Europe on its Online Platform for the promotion of journalism and the safety of journalists. It has worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross to facilitate journalists’ access to its Hotline in case of need for emergency assistance.

The IFJ stresses that these reports served the purpose of raising the alarm against violence in media and of promoting the protection for journalists and the importance of mitigating risks to their safety and security. The report says that this is a shared responsibility, including the role of journalists and their employers to educate themselves in risk assessment, avoid reckless assignments and take all necessary precautions while working in dangerous environments.

But, in the word of M. Bellanger “This starts with the understanding that everyone, governments’ officials, security and military officers as well as others who come into contact with journalists need to respect their independence. It requires governments to comply with their international obligations by investigating journalists’ killings and bringing those responsible to justice, thus deterring future violence. It depends on the willingness of the United Nations and its agencies, as the custodians of international instruments which enshrine the right to physical integrity all human beings, to enforce these guarantees for the benefit of journalists and other media personnel.”

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is the world's largest organisation of journalists. First established in 1926, it represents around 600,000 journalists in 179 unions and associations accross 139 countries worldwide. You can follow us on Twitter  and Facebook and subscribe to our news updates.

For more information, please contact the IFJ: 

Tel.: + 32 (0)2 235 22 16
Mob.: + 32 (0)47 9077194

Résidence Palace
Rue de la loi 155
1040 Brussels